Across Northern Ireland, Unionist voices are being ignored and pushed to one side, by the same old parties, running on tired platforms that are afraid to stand up for the beliefs of Northern Ireland's community. Traditional Unionists are tired of being sidelined and ignored, we are tired of our vote being taken for granted, and then slaved to an executive that simply does not function in the interests of Northern Ireland.
It is for that reason that I made the decision to found a progressive force for Unionism in Northern Ireland.
Traditional Unionist Voice is the single most progressive party in the history of Northern Ireland, and is determined to make the voice of Unionists across the region heard, and to make sure people know that Northern Ireland belongs in the United Kingdom, as an equal partner. Today, I am publishing my ten point plan to deliver on the true concerns of Unionists in Northern Ireland, putting local issues first, and enshrining the Unionist values we know and love, and the heart of our platform from the start.
For Northern Ireland to take the bold steps it requires, to break free of the shackles of the EU, and to hold true to its promise of being a partner, and member of the United Kingdom in full, we must be prepared to back the Union all the way. This means we must say goodbye to the broken system in Stormont, that puts parties who want the Union gone, at the heart of each and every Government.
This system doesn’t work, so it must change.
With a far-left Government in Westminster, it is now more important than ever for that firm voice, to guide the United Kingdom to unlocking its full and true potential, which includes:
Ensuring that the system of mandatory coalition is ended..
Standing side by side with Unionist Communities to protect their way of life.
Reviewing the Brexit deal to ensure that Northern Ireland is not tied to the EU, in any way.
Resisting further devolution, and winding back on areas that overreach.
Standing up for socially conservative values where other voices fall silent.
It is time someone stood up for Northern Ireland, not just towed the line of the head office honchos. Traditional Unionist Voice and /u/Greejatus are the only people who can deliver that.
Our Ten Point Plan for Northern Ireland We all know that it is important to have a strong voice of opposition in Stormont, regardless of who holds the position of first minister, especially as under the current shattered system, a Republican will always be trying to call the shots.
With our size, we know we cannot be in a position to form a Government, but we can always stand up for local concerns, champion our values, and ensure the Government is held to account. Traditional Unionist Voice will ensure that we are a results focused party, delivering for you, not for ourselves.
Traditional Unionist Voice will use your support to deliver our ten point plan for Northern Ireland, one that works for you.
Delivering for Northern Ireland
No Mandatory Coalition To begin with, the Traditional Unionist Voice believes that the system of mandatory coalition, which places parties that wish to see the Union destroyed, the Republicans, at the heart of Government, must be brought to an end.
Health Investment It is only with continued investment and review that the Health service can continue to improve and grow, rising to meet the challenges of the future. We believe there must be greater investment into psychiatric care, with more beds available, as well as support for the long-term disabled.
A Transparent Budget All too often the budget is waved through without correct scrutiny. Moneys are often left unaccounted for, with vanity projects and pork barrel spending becoming the norm. Traditional Unionist Voice will examine every line of the budget, and question where each and every allocation is being spent.
Religious Freedom Since the formation of the 2014 Executive, freedom of religion has been under constant and unstoppable attack. It is time we stood up to the anti-religious legislators in Stormont, who have shut faith schools, business and slandered churches across Northern Ireland.
Security in Social Housing Those in the States care must be cared for to a proper standard, and in many areas this is not the case. Traditional Unionist Voice will reverse cuts to social housing, and implement a social housing standards charter and inspection regime across Northern Ireland.
Brexit & the ROI We must, immediately, reexamine the Brexit deal, to ensure that Northern Ireland is not slaved to the trade policies of Europe through the Republic. Northern Ireland voted to leave, and we must ensure we do it properly, not in name only - ushering in unification by the back door, as the Republicans want.
Slow Down Devo I have long been skeptical of the pace of change in devolution, and have always resisted attempts to increase devolution. The same is true here in Northern Ireland, where we must never forget we are part of the Union. We must ensure laws are equal across the Union, and end unnecessary levels of devolution.
Justice and Order The continued advancement of law and order, including investment into the PSNI, and the accelerated disbanding of Republican Terror Groups, must be top of the agenda. This goes hand in hand with ensuring justice for the victims of Republican terror.
Farming We will conduct a widespread review of the farming sector, ending the myth that farmers in Northern Ireland are solely dependent on the EU. We will resist attempts by the far-left to nationalise farmland, no matter how much the left pretend this is a viable idea.
An End to Concessions to Republicans We will never back down to the Republicans, we will never back down on our language, our flag, and our identity, and will bring an end to ‘conciliatory unionism’, which is little more than a fancy way of saying ‘surrender’.